


Located in Kaifeng, a city of Central China's Henan province and once served as the capital for 8 ancient Chinese dynasties, the Millennium City Park is a large-scale park featuring the history and culture of Song Dynasty (960-1279), built according to the famous painting Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival.


"Not that I favor chrysanthemums over flowers of another kind. When these are gone, no decent blooms willI ever find." Yuan Zhen, a poet in the Tang Dynasty (618-907), praised chrysanthemums for their fearless and lofty character. As the main venue of the 41st China Kaifeng Chrysanthemum Culture Festival and the only venue of the 12th International Chrysanthemum Exhibition, the Millennium City Park has combined various chrysanthemum elements with Song Dynasty culture cleverly. During the festival (Oct 18-Nov 18), apart from over 800 varieties of chrysanthemums exhibited, the Millennium City Park has also divided its Dantai Palace into 8 pavilions based on the diversity of chrysanthemums created in different growing environments to present their charms to visitors.


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编辑:孙振恒  审核 :姜秋霞

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