大河网讯 灵井地处许昌西北,距许昌旧城大约15公里。遗址区为灵井镇西侧的一个坑塘,由于泉水的作用,这里曾是一片不小的水域。然而,就是这个普普通通的坑塘,因出土了距今 10 万 ~ 8 万年的古人类头骨化石而闻名遐迩。从灵井遗址的发现发掘到“许昌人”头骨化石出土,曾任河南许昌古人类研究中心执行主任、研究员李占扬,讲述了4年的发掘经历,和大家共同见证“许昌人”的临世。
Words from the Participants - The Discovery of “Xuchang Man” Skull Fossils
The skull fossils of “Xuchang Man” were discovered at Lingjing Paleolithic site in Xuchang city of Central China’s Henan province.
In 1964, experts from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences collected a group of animal fossils, microlith products and chipped stone implements from the well deposits dug by local villagers, which attracted the attention of the prehistoric archaeology community.
To prevent the site from being eroded by coal mine flooding, with the approval of the National Administration of Cultural Heritage in June 2005, Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology carried out a series of archaeological excavations at the site under the guidance of Henan Provincial Administration of Cultural Heritage.
On December 17, 2007, a relatively complete parietal bone and 16 fragments of parietal bone, occipital bone and temporal bone were found at a depth of 5 meters at No. 9 archaeological zone, which could be pieced into a relatively complete human skull fossil after restoration. Then the skull fossils were rapidly transported to Beijing.
On January 11, 2008, a seminar on Xuchang’s human skull fossils, held by Henan Provincial Administration of Cultural Heritage in Beijing, invited the leaders and experts from the National Administration of Cultural Heritage, the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peking University for attendance.
The experts believe that the discovery of ancient human fossils at Lingjing Paleolithic site in Xuchang is inspiring and significant for Chinese archaeology and paleoanthropology. About 30,000 stone artifacts and animal fossils were discovered at Lingjing site, one of the most important Paleolithic cultural sites in China, containing the information of ancient human behavior.
Words from the participant:
Many believe that the discovery of Lingjing Paleolithic site was a result of serendipity. In my opinion, no single factor is at work in any outcomes, but the result of a “coincidence” of many factors. Archaeological excavation at the Lingjing site has not yet ended. The discovery of “Xuchang Man” is only a part of the whole archaeological work.
Li Zhanyang, former executive director and researcher of Henan Xuchang Paleoanthropology Research Center
(文案/魏蔚 视频/李彤 翻译/杨佳欣 审校/焦丹)