


Editor's note: As the capital site of the late Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 BC) confirmed by historic documents, archaeological excavations and oracle bone inscriptions, Yinxu (or the Yin Ruins) is usually regarded as the cornerstone of the project on tracing the origins of Chinese civilization launched by China in 2001. As a key component of world civilization, Yinxu has provided solid evidence for the continuity and pluralistic and integrated pattern of Chinese civilization, and was inscribed in the UNESCO world cultural heritage list in 2006. Together with oracle bone inscriptions, Yinxu has extended recorded Chinese history to nearly 1,000 years earlier than previously believed. Starting on October 25, we, together with HICC and Yinxu scenic spot, are launching a series of videos about Yinxu to help you gain a deeper understanding of it. Here is the 6th episode: Tomb of China's First Female General, Fu Hao.


The tomb of Fu Hao, situated in the southwest of the imperial palace and ancestral temple area of Yinxu, was first discovered in 1976. In the history of Yinxu archaeology, it is the only imperial tomb that remains intact and corroborated by oracle bone inscriptions, whose date and occupant can be clearly identified. Fu Hao, consort of King Wu Ding (?-1192 BC), was the first female general in the history of China who was capable of handling domestic activities and external military affairs. Her tomb contains 1,928 burial objects, including more than 460 bronze vessels and over 750 jade objects. There are also 6,800 shell money that have been discovered. In the eyes of archaeological experts, the burial objects in the tomb of Fu Hao are of exceptional aesthetic quality. The tomb of Fu Hao astounded archaeologists in China and across the world, and was rated as one of the most important archaeological discoveries since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949.

位于殷墟宫殿宗庙遗址西南角的妇好墓,发掘于1976年,是殷墟发掘以来唯一未被盗掘过,且能和甲骨文相对照,并能确定墓主和墓葬年代的殷商时期王室成员墓葬。妇好是商王武丁的配偶,是中国历史上第一位内可治国、外可征战的巾帼将军。妇好墓出土随葬品1928件,其中青铜器460余件、玉器750余件,另有贝币6800余枚,随葬物品极其丰富精美。妇好墓的发现和确认,在国内外考古界都引起重大轰动,是新中国成立以来最重要的考古发现之一。(杨佳欣/文 赵汉青/视频 丁岚/审校)










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